How Speaker Among’s “protestors” were mobilised from downtown Kampala

The group of youth who were seen marching today on the streets of Kampala protesting the sanctions that were imposed on Speaker Anita Among were mobilized from downtown, impeccable sources have told Bbeg Media.

The youth, numbering about 15, were seen holding placards and shouting, “Free Anita Among.” They covered their heads with placards to avoid identification and the police did not try to stop them.

We have been told that they were mobilized by three MPs (two hailing from Teso and another from West Nile) and each was promised Shs 100,000. Our sources said an agent of one of the MPs gave each of the youth, who had agreed to participate in the demo, a down payment of Shs 20,000 and promised the balance today after the demo.

These MPs are strong backers of Among and have been beneficiaries of her largesse.

Sources within Parliament and in downtown have said the mobilization effort started over the weekend.

The youths, who usually load and offload vehicles at Arua park were approached through agents of one of the MPs and told “there was some work to do.”

“Their target was 100 youth but they only got a few because others wanted more money. One of the ring leaders operates from Nyumba Kubwa [a building at the Arua Park area],” said one of our sources.

We have been told that an agent of one of the MPs delivered the manila papers today morning with inscriptions praising Among.

We could not independently confirm whether the MPs told the speaker of their plans or whether she was okay with it.



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