Gen Koreta’s daughter, Yvonne, lands job at China Town

Post Views: 154 Gen Ivan Koreta’s daughter, Yvonne Koreta, is now a sales attendant at China Town Superstore, we have established. Yvonne was seen guiding shoppers and helping them pack their items, clad smartly in her work uniform. We are…

Culton Scovia Nakamya leaves BBS TV

Post Views: 135 Culton Scovia Nakamya, one of the most prominent and vocal reporters at BBS TV, has left the station, she has confirmed. Nakamya told Bbeg Media she had taken a “sabbatical” to pursue her Chevening scholarship in the…

Daily Monitor’s Justus Lyatuu is dead

Post Views: 69 Justus Lyatuu, a business reporter with Daily Monitor is dead. Lyatuu died early this morning from liver complications. Details on where he died from are still scanty. A seasoned reporter who had previously worked at The Observer,…

New online course to cover intersection between AI and FinTech

Post Views: 11 The rapidly evolving landscape of financial technology (FinTech) is increasingly driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements. To help professionals stay ahead in this competitive industry, the Global Centre for Fintech Innovations is organising an exclusive training program,…

Dr Crispus Kiyonga appointed chancellor Makerere University

Post Views: 11 Dr. Crispus Kiyonga, one of the historical members of the NRM has been appointed chancellor of Makerere University. He replaces Prof Ezra Suruma whose term came to an end. Kiyonga had retreated to private business after losing…