Sources: Kabaka to be moved from Namibian mental health facility to undisclosed location

Kabaka Ronald Mutebi will be moved from Okonguarri Psychotherapeutic Centre in Namibia to another facility as he continues his recuperation, impeccable sources have told Bbeg Media.

Sources have told us that the kingdom wants Kabaka to have a stress-free rest, away from the glaring cameras and mounting inquisitions.

Our sources said the Kabaka is likely to be moved to another African country, before the end of this week, which can’t be disclosed for now.

“The Kabaka needs more privacy as he recovers. He is okay but needs to have a good rest,” said the source. “That is why they are going to move him [away from Okonguarri].”

Kabaka moved to Okonguarri in April from Germany to continue his recovery from an undisclosed ailment. He has spent more than 60 days in the expansive facility which sits on 5,000 hectares.

The facility is owned by a German pyschologist Herman Raath and Kabaka was refered there by his German doctors.

Since Bbeg Media broke the story of his whereabouts, there has been renewed interest in the wellbeing of the Kabaka.

Kabaka Mutebi “vacationing” at mental health facility in Namibia

We have been told that the facility has received so many inquiries about the state of Kabaka’s health from Ugandans and non-Ugandans.

A group of clan leaders was scheduled to visit him this coming week but we have been told that the visit has been stopped.

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