FDC Katonga reserves ‘People’s Front for Freedom’ as name for new party

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The Dr Kizza Besigye-led FDC faction has indicated to the Electoral Commission that it will be registering a political party called People’s Front for Freedom (PFF), insider sources have told Bbeg Media.

Sources told us that they had reserved the name with the EC as the embark on the formal process to register a political party. It’s colours will be white and royal blue while the phone will be its symbol.

The Besigye faction last week held a delegates conference where they among others resolved to form a political party and dissolve FDC, a move that attracted resistance from the Najjanankumbi group.

Sources have told us that Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago is widely favoured to be the party president whereas Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, the Kira Municipality MP. could be the vice president or national chairman.

Some of the founder members of PFF

Under the Political Parties and Organisations Act 2005, a party must have addresses and full names of least 50 members from at least two thirds of all districts from the traditional geographical regions of Uganda. It must also present a party constitution.

The entire process is registering a party is supposed to take at most six months.

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