Daily Monitor’s Tabu Butagira lands PhD scholarship in China

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Tabu Butagira, the managing editor of Daily Monitor (daily edition) is headed to China to study for a PhD at Peking University.

Sources have told us Butagira landed a scholarship from the Chinese government and his doctoral studeis will focus on International Relations. It is unclear how long his PhD course will take but he we have told that he will be out of the country for at least three years. Efforts to talk to him were futile as he did not return our calls.

He was set to leave the country last week but his departure was delayed by Visa issues. He has already bid colleagues farewell.

Tabu, as he is fondly known among colleagues, started working at Daily Monitor in the early 2000s as its correspondent in West Nile based in Arua.

He quickly distinguished himself as a hardworking reporter and was brought to Kampala as a senior reporter in the late 2000s. Three years ago, he was made managing editor, the highest newsroom-level position at Monitor.

Tabu has attended a handful of fellowships and journalism trainings abroad. We wish him the best in his studies.

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